Friday, February 9, 2007

Club4elite update - 2007.02.09

Hello members,

Only few days left till relaunch. If everything will work like planned Club4elite will be relaunched in the beginning of next week, it means we will relaunch faster as it was promised.

If we speak about Club4elite rules in round one everything was working like clockwork and we was protected against so called “hit and runners” so in next round we are not planning to make serious changes in terms. In general terms in round two will stay the same (except few small changes).

Refund plan.

First of all as it was promised no one will lose money in Club4elite. There will be winners and those who will stay in zero balance after refunds. It means now refunds will receive everyone who are not in profit (who upgraded more then received in cashouts
(total of all your upgrades – total of all cashouts you received = your refund amount)).

In first day of round two there will be announced ID’s who can apply for refunds. In five days everyone from this list will need to apply for refund. Those who will not apply in five days frame will not be in refund list. In day six refunds will start.

Refunds will be made in two steps.

Step one!
Each day will be paid out approx $1000 in refunds from current reserve funds, while reserves will drain out. Those who will be lucky and will get in first refund step will receive all refund in one payment.

Step two!
Step two refunds will be made from funds Club4elite will receive in round two. In round two will be made reserves for refunds and members who will not receive refunds in step one will receive refunds from this money. Difference from step one refunds is that in round two members will receive all refund in several payments, not in one. Step two refunds will be made one time per week.

First in a row for refunds will be first members.

In nearest time will not be reachable for approx one or two days while we change nameservers for domain.

That’s it for now, Club4elite will be back after few days.

With regards and hopes to make this industry better,
Paul Vivenzio. owner and administrator.

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